
♣ TwoExpressSeven,
Never failed to be noisy! Scolding always, but forever a class (:

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Memories will always be kept in our hearts
July 2010

Layout: Nicole
Inspiration: I ; II
Color codes: Color Codes
Icon: Icon

Camp Day 3 ~
Thursday, July 29, 2010 @ 8:08 AM

Tonight's the last night already and we'll be leaving for our home sweet home.
We did our CIP around our campsite which was really tiring. We proceeded back to the campsite and had our lunch before our next activity. We had our Sarimbun Challenge. Next was the campfire, we had a lot of fun and many of us lost our voices! We learnt that we must respect and coordinate with each other to make things work and to be appretiative. This camp was really memorable and it really helps us to build a better relationship within each other. Although we will be leaving tomorrow, we believe that we wouldn't forget this unforgettable experience.
Camp Day 2 ~
@ 8:06 AM

Hey people.
Today is the 2nd day of the camp.We started off our day with rock climbing and it was pretty fruitful. Despite the rainy weather, all off us still devoted ourselves to all the activities and to having as much fun as we can. One of the main highlights of today was the Kayaking and Raft building. We had an enjoyable time being able to soak in the water and built a closer bond with each other. Although it was tiring when we had to keep away those equipments and kayaks, we still pulled through and the people in our class were very muscular!
Day 2
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 @ 7:57 AM

Hey people,
Today is the 2nd day of the camp. We started off our day with rock-climbing and it was pretty fruitful. Despite the rainy weather, all of us still devoted ourselves to all the activities and to having as much fun as we could. One of the main highlights of today was the kayaking and raft-building activities. We had an enjoyable time being able to soak in the water and build a closer bond with each other. Although it was tiring when we had to keep away those equipment and kayaks, we still pulled through. We also discovered that the people in our class were very muscular!
First day of camp ! ((:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 @ 7:24 AM

"aiyo, confirm boring one lah" those words was what half of our class , 2e7 , was saying all over again . When we arrived at the campsite after a long journey from school to Sarimbun campsite , we had to sit on dirty grounds , leaving an impression that this camp was going to be a tough and tiring experience . However , the activities and need i mention , LUNCH and DINNER , made our day fun and exciting . We had fun playing and working with each other , especially when we had to get wet and DIRTY during our session at the "Milo Pond" . To get to the best part , which is sliding into the pond , we had to get past a few obstacles . Some of our classmates was very reluctant to join the 'unreluctant' ones , but when they saw the fun we were having , they joined us too . Nevertheless , our trainer , Amin , made it all fun . Then , came the night walk . The night was , according to my classmates , disgusting and MUDDY . We had to walk a very long trail in the 'forest' and by the end of the night walk , no one can say that their shoes were not muddy . Despite the hot and humid weather , we had fun and bond really well with our classmates . To show you all 'the fun that we had experienced , here are some photos we had taken throughout the day . Enjoy (: